
Children’s Imaginations Will Go Wild with FriendStrip Kids for Android

Price: Free
FriendStrip Kids
Android App Review by AndroidAppsReview.com
FriendStrip Kids, developed by PhotoInPress, is a great new way to help your your child tap into their creative side. The days of wishing you were a superhero are finally over!
Concept and Functionality
FriendStrip Kids is definitely a unique app in that it offers something I’ve never seen before in a children’s app. It’s safe to say that most of us have probably seen a comic strip or two in our time, but how many of us have wished we were the superhero? FriendStrip Kids helps dreams come true by allowing you to actually insert a photo into the strip, bringing it to life.
I was shocked to see just how many comic strips are available to play around with. Trust me, you don’t have to choose from two or three cheesy titles with bad illustrations and a mediocre storyline. These are genuine strips that make you want to dress up and become part of the story. All you have to do is (optionally) dress the part, take a photo that lines up with the guide on your screen, and watch the magic happen!
FriendStrip Kids
Sometimes it’ll take a few tries to get the positioning of your photo right, but FriendStrip Kids is definitely worth the effort. It’s fun to use, helps kids get creative, and exercises their imagination. Personally I think the app would be perfect for birthday parties or other gatherings where everyone can be a part of the strip.
FriendStrip Kids not only includes a spectacular variety of comic strips, but it also comes with a few cool features that make it even more fun to use. First, strips that you’ve made are easily accessible at the top of the strip selection page. It’s also incredibly easy to share them with friends and family, and you can share a scene from a strip or the entire strip itself.
Also, you’re free to edit the speech bubbles on a strip in FriendStrip Kids, allowing you to completely rewrite the story. A feature like this means you not only come up with a cool new comic idea, but you can find the perfect strip and actually act it out.
FriendStrip Kids is a universal app that can be downloaded from Google Play for free, but the comics you can access are limited. However, you get a great idea of what the app is capable of during the trial, and it only costs $1.99 to unlock all of the comics.
If you’re sure FriendStrip Kids will be a hit with the family, you can cut to the chase and simply download FriendStrip Kids Pro for $1.99. This is a steal, as unlocking each individual comic collection is $0.99 and there are a total of 16 collections available.
Overall, FriendStrip Kids is a unique app that’s a must-have for anyone with a child whose imagination runs wild!
friendstrip_kids_android.jpgAndroid Apps Review Details: FriendStrip Kids  is FREE and requires Android 3.0+. You can download it from Google Play.
Android App Review’s rating: 

Drawing the Path Is an Exciting Physics-based Puzzle Game

Price: Free
Drawing the Path
Android Game Review by AndroidAppsReview.com
Drawing the Path, developed by OnLabGames, is an entertaining puzzle game with limitless possibilities. Can you beat the clock and guide the ball to the target?
Concept and Gameplay
Drawing the Path has one goal; skillfully draw lines to guide the ball to the target before the 15 second timer is up. It might sound simple and, for once, it actually is. The graphics and physics engine are decent, though I found that both aren’t as great as they could be. I liked the classic feel of the notebook background, mainly because it brought back memories of doodling during math class.
Drawing the Path Android Game Review
Drawing the Path Android Game Review
Unlike other constructive puzzle games, Drawing the Path breaks the mold by not limiting you to how many lines you can draw to solve a puzzle. While this might seem like a blessing, it can actually turn into a curse rather quickly. Why? Instead of tactically drawing lines and truly thinking about what you need to do in order to complete the puzzle, you can doodle the ball right to the target without much effort. Personally I think having an unlimited number of lines to draw makes the game too easy. Your only enemy is time, but as long as you can beat the clock and hit the target, you can beat the level.
As I mentioned before, the physics engine in Drawing the Path is a bit touchier than I’d like it to be. Other than that, gameplay is generally smooth and pleasant. It’s easy to zip through levels once you get the hang of the game, which is good for users who are simply looking for a new way to kill a bit of time. One thing I do want to mention is that if you fail a level, the game forces you to start from the beginning instead of allowing you to selectively redraw lines. This was also addressed in a review of the game on Google Play, and the developers mentioned that this adjustment is on the way.
Drawing the Path includes one unique feature that I haven’t seen in similar games. This is the availability of all 80 levels right off the bat, meaning you don’t have to beat the level in order to play it. I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about this feature, as it leaves little to achieve in the way of beating the game. However, it’s useful if you happen to get stuck on a level and want to keep going or if you feel the game is too easy and you want to skip to higher levels.
Also, Drawing the Path keeps track of your level scores, giving you the option to try and best your previous scores. Instead of scores being available on the menu or a separate page, you need to start and/or beat a level again in order to see your best score.
Drawing the Path is available for free from Google Play and has minimal advertising. While the game itself needs a little bit of tweaking, it’s very playable out of the box. Gamers who enjoy puzzles should definitely give Drawing the Path a try.
drawing_the_path_.jpgAndroid Apps Review Details: Drawing the Path is FREE and requires Android 2.2+. You can download it from Google Play.
Android App Review’s rating: 

StoryPod Short Films: So We Hear You Like Short Films

Price: Free
StoryPod Short Films
Android App Review by AndroidAppsReview.com
Before I took a turn in my career and starting writing Android app reviews, I once lived as a screenwriter. It wasn’t as glamorous as you might think, but you’d be safe in assuming I have a real passion for the short film genre—that being the form most easily accessible to the struggling director.
Over the years, I like to think I’ve integrated that love into the whole of Android Apps Review, which is why we as a group are so darn excited to be looking at StoryPod Short Films, from Blinkamovie Ltd., today. The app offers a phenomenal concept, combined with great content, an endless stream of materials, and a whole lot of promise.
For our full review, you need only to read down below the break!
Concept and Functionality 
The basic idea behind StoryPod looks something like this: Producers and directors submit their short film projects to StoryPod. The good folks behind the app then review the submission, and if it’s up to their standards, they pump it out onto their platform.
The end user then downloads the application for free, and can watch any published short film gratis to their heart’s content.
It’s a fun concept, and it really does work out for everyone. Obviously, StoryPod gets a lot of traffic from it, but as users, we also get a lot of really phenomenal films. Some of the best movies I’ve ever seen have been shorts—and I’ve seen a lot of movies.
Likewise, the teams behind the films get exposure for their films. They can choose to upload an entire short, or if it’s a portion of a larger film, just a snippet to hook interest during development. It’s a truly win-win situation, and we cannot get enough of it.
Graphics and Design
StoryPod for Android
StoryPod Android App Review
Another notch in StoryPod’s favor is the fact that it looks so good. The UX is excellent, and is as easy to peruse as you might hope. In fact, we like the interface quite a bit more than we like more popular titles like YouTube.
We also greatly appreciated the quality of the content that’s kept here, as you’ll only not enjoy a film if its aesthetic just isn’t your thing. In other words, the content located here is on-par with what we’d expect from a serious short film collection. And that’s an unbelievably good thing.
Overall Value
Considering StoryPod is a free application with a quick install, offers a beautiful interface, and comes with a ton of incredible content, there’s really nothing to dislike here.
The app is a brilliant way to find new production houses to follow, new films to love, and new concepts to think about. If that doesn’t sound like a good afternoon out to you, then you might just be a boring person. Because StoryPod is a great addition to any Android device.
StoryPod for AndroidAndroid Apps Review Details: StoryPod Short Films is FREE. This app requires Android 4.0 and up. A small expedite fee was paid to speed up the publication of this review. 
You can download it now from Google Play.
Android App Review’s rating: 

GoalTone: All the Latest Scores in a Few Seconds

Price: Free
GoalTone: Live Soccer Scores
Android App Review by AndroidAppsReview.com
Over the years, we’ve gotten to express quite a few of our personal interests here at the Android Apps Review. Football (or soccer as Americans tend to call it) happens to be one of our biggest hobbies, which is why we’re absolutely delighted to be bringing you a full review of GoalTone, from Play Together.
The application is a quick, free, and completely comprehensive way to get live scoring information delivered directly to your Android phone. It also presents any YouTube videos related to games in all major leagues in Europe and rest of the world including highlights, goals, fans’ songs from the stadium and soccer player interviews.
It works beautifully, and if you’d like a little more information about its other features, you need only to slide on down below the break. Starting with:
Concept and Functionality
GoalTone for Android
GoalTone for Android
As you might have guessed from that briefest of summaries, GoalTone does one thing, and one thing very well. It brings you the latest information about a live match—as well as those that have recently finished—and all without you needing to do a damn thing.
Yes, sports fans, the application will give you personalized notifications anytime a goal is scored. That means you can be out enjoying a picnic with your significant other, or shopping at the mall, all while staying on top of what’s happening in the Premier League. Not into that British crap?
What’s really cool about this app is that it goes well beyond just showing you scores. As stated above it presents any YouTube videos related to games in all major leagues in Europe and rest of the world including highlights, goals, fans’ songs from the stadium and soccer player interviews. By covering all the major leagues it ensures you can track your favorite team and players with ease.
You’ll get all the usuals as well: Live stats, scores, and play-by-play information as it happens. If you’ve ever been away from a tele during a game, you’ll instantly understand the value of this. Throw in footage of the games, and what you get is a phenomenal way to stay informed while you must be away.
Design and Interface
Now, bear with us, because our only complaints with GoalTone are actually about its interface. It’s not a bad one, per say, it just isn’t quite the prettiest. It’s fairly basic, and you’ll not find any fancy, branded baubles or crazy textures. Then again, this isn’t exactly a bad thing. All of the information that you want is only a tap or two away, and that’s quite valuable.
Likewise, we had no performance issues from GoalTone. Down to those push notifications, which worked like champions and kept us on point with who was becoming a champion.
Overall Value
As if the app weren’t already enough of a value, GoalTone is also completely free, which means you’ll not lose any money at all to be that much more involved with your favorite teams. And with video footage of the games, as well as support for all the major leagues, there’s simply nothing to not like here.
GoalToneAndroid Apps Review Details: GoalTone is FREE. This app requires Android 1.6 and up. A small expedite fee was paid to speed up the publication of this review. 
You can download it now from Google Play.
Android App Review’s rating: 

Get Peace of Mind with Easy Backup

Price: Free
Easy Backup
Want to make sure that all your items and important data are saved just in case something happens to your device? Then the Easy Backup app from developer MDroid Apps is just the app for you!
Easy Backup allows you to back up various accounts and items on your device to your device’s SD card, your Dropbox account, your personal Gmail account, or Google Drive. The instant you open the app, you will see five main headers: “Backup”, “Apps Backup”, “Restore”, “View”, and “Delete”.
Easy Backup  Android App Review
Easy Backup Android App Review
With the “Backup” function you can backup items on your device such as SMS, MMS, call logs, calendars, bookmarks, dictionaries, and contacts. Simply select which item you want to backup and you will be redirected to choose the location where you want to back the item(s) up to. The “Apps Backup” function loads all of the apps you have installed on your device, and likewise, you will proceed in selecting which apps you want to back up and so on.
There will be two tabs visible. One tab will show all the apps you have installed on your device, and the other tabs show all of the ones that are archived. The “Restore” function lets you choose which of the four backup locations you want to restore and item from, and the “View” option lets you view whatever selected item from the same four locations. The “Delete” function gives you the option of deleting various items of your liking.
Appearance and Layout
The monochromatic backdrop of the Easy Backup app allows for smooth operation, quickly and easily.
Not only is each app’s function self explanatory, but the additional settings feature (located on the upper right hand corner of the app’s main screen) lets you further organize the app’s functions the way you want them to be. This is an app that’s not only easy on the eyes, but simple to use as well.
Since the Easy Backup app is offered for free, securing and backing up your device has never been more convenient!
This is a great app for anyone who has a mobile device, especially one who is always on the go or travels a lot and may be more prone to lose their device. By backing things up quickly and at no charge, users can be at peace of mind knowing that their information is backed up at another additional source so it’s not lost forever.
Backup3Easy Backup Android requirement – requires 2.0 and up. A small expedite fee was paid to speed up the publication of this review.
You may download Easy Backup from the Google Play.