
GoalTone: All the Latest Scores in a Few Seconds

Price: Free
GoalTone: Live Soccer Scores
Android App Review by AndroidAppsReview.com
Over the years, we’ve gotten to express quite a few of our personal interests here at the Android Apps Review. Football (or soccer as Americans tend to call it) happens to be one of our biggest hobbies, which is why we’re absolutely delighted to be bringing you a full review of GoalTone, from Play Together.
The application is a quick, free, and completely comprehensive way to get live scoring information delivered directly to your Android phone. It also presents any YouTube videos related to games in all major leagues in Europe and rest of the world including highlights, goals, fans’ songs from the stadium and soccer player interviews.
It works beautifully, and if you’d like a little more information about its other features, you need only to slide on down below the break. Starting with:
Concept and Functionality
GoalTone for Android
GoalTone for Android
As you might have guessed from that briefest of summaries, GoalTone does one thing, and one thing very well. It brings you the latest information about a live match—as well as those that have recently finished—and all without you needing to do a damn thing.
Yes, sports fans, the application will give you personalized notifications anytime a goal is scored. That means you can be out enjoying a picnic with your significant other, or shopping at the mall, all while staying on top of what’s happening in the Premier League. Not into that British crap?
What’s really cool about this app is that it goes well beyond just showing you scores. As stated above it presents any YouTube videos related to games in all major leagues in Europe and rest of the world including highlights, goals, fans’ songs from the stadium and soccer player interviews. By covering all the major leagues it ensures you can track your favorite team and players with ease.
You’ll get all the usuals as well: Live stats, scores, and play-by-play information as it happens. If you’ve ever been away from a tele during a game, you’ll instantly understand the value of this. Throw in footage of the games, and what you get is a phenomenal way to stay informed while you must be away.
Design and Interface
Now, bear with us, because our only complaints with GoalTone are actually about its interface. It’s not a bad one, per say, it just isn’t quite the prettiest. It’s fairly basic, and you’ll not find any fancy, branded baubles or crazy textures. Then again, this isn’t exactly a bad thing. All of the information that you want is only a tap or two away, and that’s quite valuable.
Likewise, we had no performance issues from GoalTone. Down to those push notifications, which worked like champions and kept us on point with who was becoming a champion.
Overall Value
As if the app weren’t already enough of a value, GoalTone is also completely free, which means you’ll not lose any money at all to be that much more involved with your favorite teams. And with video footage of the games, as well as support for all the major leagues, there’s simply nothing to not like here.
GoalToneAndroid Apps Review Details: GoalTone is FREE. This app requires Android 1.6 and up. A small expedite fee was paid to speed up the publication of this review. 
You can download it now from Google Play.
Android App Review’s rating: 


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